The American Negro Exposition Diorama

June 29, 2017
-University of Delaware News article
-Focused on diversity in conservation

August 30, 2017
-Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation Press Release
-Julianna Ly and I were interviewed

NBC 10 Press Release
-Featured on Local News at 6 Segment
-Video and interview-audio footage

Public Outreach, Press, and an Interactive Blog

Dollhouse Open-Door Periods
July - August 2016
-Interacted with museum visitors and tours
-Answered questions about the dollhouse and conservation

Conserving a Miniature Mansion Lecture
December 17, 2016
Copeland Lecture Hall, Winterthur Museum
-Presented a 45 minute talk on the treatment with Karissa Muratore
-Over 50 members in the audience

Public Outreach, International Press, and a Collaborative Blog

Open Laboratory in Monté Prama Museum
July - August 2015
-Performed treatment in view of museum visitors
-Answered questions (translating from Italian)