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Ellen Nigro [Far Left], Me [Right]

Ellen Nigro [Far Left], Me [Right]

[Before Treatment] Flaking

[Before Treatment] Flaking

[Before Treatment] Flaking

[Before Treatment] Flaking

[Mid-Treatment] Humidification Tents

[Mid-Treatment] Humidification Tents

[Mid-Treatment] Tacking Down

[Mid-Treatment] Tacking Down

[Mid-Treatment] After Tacking Down

[Mid-Treatment] After Tacking Down

[Mid-Treatment] BEVA Residue Remains

[Mid-Treatment] BEVA Residue Remains

[Mid-Treatment] BEVA Residue Removed

[Mid-Treatment] BEVA Residue Removed


Buddha Descending from Tavatimsa

Treatment performed at: Winterthur Museum

Overseen by Conservators: Joyce Hill Stoner and Ellen Nigro

Nineteenth-century, Thai panel painted in water-soluble distemper, severe flaking of the surface and ground from the support caused by water damage, required reorganization of loose flakes, consolidation with BEVA and 10% Aquazol in Isopropanol, tacking down with a heat tool, and cleaning with citrate solutions in Agarose gels
I assisted WUDPAC student Ellen Nigro in carrying out treatment procedures that
she developed with the assistance of
conservators from the Walters Art
Museum and Winterthur Museum. 
For a thorough description of the 
treatments I performed on this painting,
please see 6 and 7 in the treatment report.
*Both the condition report and treatment
report were written by Ellen Nigro.
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